
Tuesday 18 August 2015

We Did It!!

Schools all ready, referees steady, the whistles blow like a confetti. We versed heaps of schools. We won all our games but unfortunately we lost in the finals against Sylvia Park School. Even though we didn’t come first we were all overjoyed. We came second. Yay!   At the end of the day we did our school proud.

Thursday 6 August 2015

The Coming And Going Of Madd Messenger!!

On Friday last week both year 7 and year 8 students went to the multipurpose room to learn how to make positive and right choices with Madd Messengers, Petia Wilson and Caroline. The year 8’s were all upset because it was our last lecture with the Madd Messengers. Petia then made a chalk drawing of Superwoman so that we would be a reminder our last Madd Messenger lesson.

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Wednesday 5 August 2015

How To Keep Myself Healthy And Fit

There are many ways to stay healthy and fit.  Examples are 1. Getting enough sleep,       2.Exercise,  3. eating healthy food,  4. Do not skip breakfast  ,5. Drink plenty of water.

  1. Getting enough sleep: Getting enough sleep is needed to stay fit and healthy. Sleep allows the body to heal, repair and refresh. It also affects concentration, memory, and motor skills.

2.  Exercise: Exercise is important  to stay fit and healthy. Exercise helps strengthen the lungs and heart, strength training helps to strengthen the muscles.

3. Eating healthy food: Eat a lot of fresh fruit, vegetables and a whole lot of grain to stay healthy. Junk food such as pizzas, burgers, chips, fizzy and many more should be strictly avoided.

4. Do not skip breakfast: Healthy breakfast keeps you energetic. Eating breakfast helps maintain stable blood sugar levels and a healthy weight.

5. Drink plenty of water: Drinking plenty of water helps us by keeping our bodies hydrated and also keeps our bodies healthy.

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