
Tuesday 24 March 2015

Diary Of A Gallipoli Soldier.

25th April 1915
Dear Family

On the twenty-fifth of April 1915 we landed on Gallipoli. When we landed there were a lot of noises, there were guns shooting,  bombs exploding and people getting killed.

On our first day we were nervous . As we jumped off the vessel we ran as fast as we could to find a hiding spot. Darkness came over and we could hear the Turkish soldiers still shooting. Once they stopped we started sharpening our knives and dug some trenches to protect us. We hid our weapons in a safe place so the enemies couldn't find them.

We woke up with a sudden loud bomb sound and we went to get our guns, bombs and knives ready.  Other soldiers started to shoot while we started to have a drink back at our trenches. Just after we finished we went out to help our soldiers shoot the Turkish soldiers.

At last one of our soldiers screamed, “Victory is ours.” Now the war is finished I can’t wait to come back home. I am as proud as a peacock.

From: Ofa

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